• One of the main reasons I love using the dyes that I use. Is the brightness of the colours, and the fact that they glow under backlight. Its the main reason why I started hand dying wool in the first place, as I was finding it hard to find interesting Neon wools. What weren’t acrylic .. even then there was only a few options out there.

    It is a lot harder to be able to get the same brightness and vibrancy (as well as no Neon) colours, when using Natural Dying techniques. So far the brightest natural red I have found with natural dyes use crushed up cochineal beetles from Peru … which I can’t really say is better.

    I would like to try using more natural dyes at some point, to further my knowledge of dyes and techniques. Although for now I am still trying to get my head around the dyes I use currently before trying to tackle other dying techniques.

  • Currently I buy in pre spun wools. What then I can dye and work with. It all started off as a small experiment to see what I could do with Neon Dyes, and then quickly became popular as people tried the wools and fell in love with them.

    I hope at one point I will get some wools in to be able to experiment and learn how to spin them myself. But working on my current range first before moving on to the next stage.

  • Yes,

    Everything from the Hand Dying Wools, to the illustrations on my label. Including my website.

    I Love the process of making things by hand. Brining the love of craft and years old traditions back to life, with a fabulous neon glow twist. As well as the passion for exploring, creating and learning new skills. I always have projects on the go, if not creating something I am often dreaming of the next thing to be able to create.

  • Please don’t feel discouraged. Please get in contact with me about your ideas, and we can crate your ideal peice.

    I am always working on new ideas and designs. Due to the nature of knitting garments, sometimes it takes a while to create products. So I normally rotate though products and designs, so I am not stuck making multiple of one thing at a time and risk not selling any of one thing.

    Don’t worry though there will be a wider range of products coming.

  • Well yes.

    But can you give me more of a design concept then just the word masculine to go by. As masculine can mean different things to different people and we hear at Idris Emporium don’t agree with gendering colours or clothing. Some guys love bright Neon colours including pinks and Purples, Other may be more of a 50 shades of grey type and that’s before even figuring out a pattern to be able to work from.

    Last time I got asked this question, honestly it had me so Stumped I had to go around and ask multiple people if they knew what would be a masculine garment. Mostly they just laughed and answered back but what dose that mean? Still Not 100% I know the awnser

    So please if you have something in particular in mind, tell me the Colour, Size, and also patten Style that you would like. Otherwise I can not make a product that you will truly love and cherish forever.

  • Sadly No . As I Work from Home, and it is not equipped for visitors. sorry.

    I have some stock in shops. I also do street Markets in the Sunnier times. I hope in the future to be able to explore out further to more markets, and be able to run workshops.