Our Story


Welcome to Idris Emporium. The wonderful hand made world of Idris Elemental artist and crafter.

Digital Illuastrion of a Pinky purple an green dragon. Snuggling a little dragon teddy, sleeping on a hoard of multi colourful balls of wool. Within there cave.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Idris Elemental, Born in Brighton made in Wales. Mix Media Artist and Crafter with the Passion for snuggly wools and Bright Neon Colours, and fantastical illustrations and characters.

Originally first started out as an Artist working on paintings and digital illustration inspired by anime and tattoos daydreaming the days away. Before moving to Wales in 2019. What reignited my love for wools and knitting agiain. From there I decided to become a small independent business, and began working the market stalls, in and around Llanfyllin mid North Wales.


One day the drawings started to come alive and the crocheted Dragons as well as love of knitting was born. But there was something missing, the colours we're all muted and Greys. So the Tiny Dragon Had a thought and decided to hand dye the wools and make them colourful too. Bringing you the brightly colourful Neon wool that you know and love today.


Yarndale 2022. -Skipton

Knitting a Rainbow Cocoon Shrug.

A little Tiny Red and green dragon, sitting on a rock, with grass behind them .

One of the little Dragon crochets, we used to make hear at Idris Emporium


We aim here At Idris Emporium aim for all our stock to be hand made and designed from local and ethical resources, brining you the best quality of stock we can. Whats not only good for you, but good for the plant too, giving you that warm fussy feeling inside.

I Have learnt so much so far and yet still have so much more to learn. Every Day is different and a brand new learning opportunity. Join us for the wonderful adventures into the world of knitting and creativity, As we continue to learn, grow and explore. Thank you all for your continuing support.