New look, and New changes

Some new changes are afoot here at Idris Emporium. I have been wanting to change things over for awhile now. Though things here have been a little busy over the past month. In between working on stalls, making comissions. As well as the exciting news of having a chance to be able to put some stock over in the “Tri-Dyffrn” shop in Llanfyllin (mid north Wales) which is part of my local community of Artist and Crafters. What is helping to support ethical living, local produce, and handmade beautiful arts and crafts.

The main big difference you will have noticed is that I have now switched over my website platforms so that now everything should be working a lot more smoother. Having my main website and shop platform all together. Though the website look may be a little different I assure you that I will be having some of the same grate products that I always have.

One of the other big changes that I have now made and am sorry to announce is that at I am no longer selling: Cushions, jumpers, facemarks, mugs and taperstr’s . Until I have figured out a better way to manufacture and produce these items. This is due to the fact that I want to focus more on producing and making things by hand using local and sustainable resources. Thinking of the way we consume things and use things. Rather than designing items to be printed on demand within other countries to then be packaged and processed and shipped back over for you to enjoy. What not only is a lot of air miles and bad for the planet, but also harder to control the times it would take and the added coats of having things made in other countries. However I will be still doing small batch runs of my illustrated prints and works as I wonder around the the dreamscape world of dragons and fairies.

A Collection of Dk mini skeins all lined up in a row. A selection of greens, pinky purples and rainbow skeins.

A Sneaky little peak into the stock that I have in the Tri-Dyffryn shop, in Llanfyllin.

Photo from inside the Tri-Dyffryn shop. The Shelves filled up with local and hand made produce from local artists and crafters.

I will also still be working on my selection of knitted items and Hand dyed Neon Wools, using natural fibres such as Super-wash Merino and Highland wools. joining my love of bright colours and funky designs, with my passion for wools and making things together. Whilst giving other people the chance to be able to unleash their creativity. Not only are they super bight and Colourful, but are also super soft and easy to knit with Making them a perfect choice of yarn to use within projects. I hope at some point in the near future to be also working on a range of cotton yarns as well. Giving you a more wider range and variety of ethical minded funky yarns to choose from.

Thank you for your continuing support, and custom. Stay tuned as have got more exciting things coming up soon within the new year.


Wools, Cottons and Acrylics