Hand Spun Yarns

I have been working super hard the last couple of months perfecting my skills to be able to bring you a new range off hand spun wools.

for ages now I have had people ask me if I spin the wools myself, or told me to get into spinning wools, and well for a long time I have actually been practicing spinning wools using my little drop spindle. but its always been super thick chunky wool. what don’t get me wrong is really pretty to be able to use and work with, but is hard to find a use for. although that is just a matter of preference, as I do know a few who find the bigger the wools the better where as i’m more of a fine wools kind of person. especially when trying to knit a garment and it not to come out like some sort of medieval suite of armour.

I also wanted to be able to find a wool what is lovely against your skin, and something soft to touch. As lets face it who wants rough oily wool against them what feels like grandmas knitted jumpers. though still have the lovely charm of hand spun wools.

finally after 2 years of practice and constant spinning I have managed to crate my first batches of hand spun wools. with mixed bases of different colours and textures of merino’s and sari silk rovings. to give it seriously lush vibes. though the wool is still not 100% consistent yet, but they knit up superbly.

I will be also be creating up some non sheep wool variations of hand spun wools. Which will be coming soon in the next month or so. Using mostly bamboo fibre as well as experimenting with some more unusual fibre, such a nettles, pineapple and banana. But more about that at another time.


Local wool, from local fleeces