A slow start for 2023

Its amazing to think that winter is almost over already, and that it is soon Turing into spring. As the days start to get longer, the flowers start to bloom and markets start to come back to life.

the beginning of the new year is always a time of reflection, meditation, and preparation for the year ahead. a time to think about what went well last year and what did not go as well. there were many grate highlights of the last year. so many lovely people to meet, and wonderful events to go to.

Although there has been many times over the last year that I have been wondering what I am doing, and if I can keep this up. Specially when living within a time of a coast of living crisis, where the prices for everyone keeps on going up.

sometimes when I think about markets, I feel like I am conflicted by the decision of weather to go or not to. I could go to the market and it be a grate day, and talk to loads of lovely people and make good sales. Like wise I could go to the market, and it could be a quite day. Where it ends up coasting me more to go to the market in the first place then if I hadn’t gone at all. While its not a bad thing to have off days now and then, at the same time if there are too many quite days, then there comes a day and a time when can no longer be able to go to the markets even if I want to or not …

thankfully now is not that time

over the last few months I have been working hard and planing something awesome. I have Recently agreed to team up with Textile Junkies in Newtown and will be starting to do Introduction to crochet workshop. As part of there amazing team of Textile Artists from in and around the Mid North Wales area. As part of an exciting bigger project what will be announced at a later date in the year. as well as making plans to be able to do other workshops too, so what this space.

this year is already looking jam packed with makes days, events and workshops. As well as making sure that I make time for myself as well, and to continue to build and expand my business. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about making up some pattern releases too, they just take a bit of time to design and make.

I hope that you all continue to follow and support my journey.


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