What happened to the dragons?

As some of you may know, from time to time I have been making little crochet dragons and other fantasy characters. But where have they gone now?

A little Red and green dragon, sitting on top of a rock. Arms Stretched out asking for a Cuddle.

We’ll currently the little dragons and their friends are on holiday still. They were tied of the cold winter months, and have gone into hibernation till the warmer months …

Well actually. At the moment I have taken a break from making and selling them. This is due to the fact of wanting to comply to both EU and UK trading guide lines. As all toys need to have a CE marking and tests done to make sure that they are safe for children to be able to play with. (even though most of my dragons befriend adults and keep them company, or are used as Display purposes, rather then toys for children). So rather than running the risk and falling short on legalities. Selling you products, what might have stuffing falling out, or limbs coming off as your child lovingly playing with there new favourite toy. I have made the hard decision, to not have them up for sale at the time being until the issue of testing and getting the right certification is sorted.

Do not worry though! They will be back soon, and better then ever!

I am planning on working though the CE testing and getting them fully up to scratch with health and safety legislations within the next couple of months. So that they can once again be able to happily frolic around and roam the earth once again.

I also have some exciting ideas in the making for even more fun and excitement what I am working on as we speak .. but I can’t say too much now. As the dragons are watching, and they don’t want me to give away all the secrets just yet. I will be doing another post soon announcing it more once the designs and ideas are fully finished.

So stay tuned, and big love from all the dragons and little crochet freinds hear at Idris Emporium


Feeling a little lost, Hacked Instagram account


Wools, Cottons and Acrylics