Feeling a little lost, Hacked Instagram account

Update : still no access to my account yet. But fingers crossed I have found the way out of the hack and hopefully will be back in to my account again soon! Once I have found a way to get back in I will hare how to reclaim. In case anyone else has been got by the same hackers.

Hacked account! Please DO NOT Follow. REPORT this account.

Today my main instagram and Facebook account has been Hacked, they instantly changed my mobile number and email address so now I Cant Access it or get back on to the account currently … I have tried to do the video verification. but sadly the first attempt did not work, and am struggling to be able to re submit the video verification.

It has honestly left me now feeling rather violated and out of sorts. As now I have lost many of my followers, and a lot of my contacts that I have managed to gain over the past few years. Who are now getting harassed and by the same M****** ducks are now trying to hack everyone on my contacts. Sadly on that note all I can say is to be able to report @____elemental71648242 and please do not look at or respond to any msg requests that you might receive from them!

It still confuses me how everything and everyone seems to be moving more and more online. Like that is the solution to all the problems in the world and yet ..

Why is social media and the internet so good? When like that in a space of a couple of minutes you can be hacked and kicked out of your account unable to retire it again. Or the internet can go down so there for you aren’t able to access anything? So many times I have been told that it is now a cash free society, and yet when you go to pay for something all the cash machines are down and out of action. So then you have to wait till there online, or pray there is a cash machine nearby that you can use to then pay and get your goods.

Who even likes typing msgs on a screen and sitting there waiting for a response or an answer from the little screen in front of you? Its tiring and exaughsting right.

From now on I am going to focus more on my website as well as market places, and events. So that you can get that real life life interaction and customer service. Where you can talk to an actual person in front of you, and get feel and see the products that we have to offer. Rather then just looking at pretty pictures on a screen.

Lets face it no one can resist the want to squish the lovely fluffy stuff.

Though still keep an eye on my website, as will be updating it a lot more now. to help keep up to date with all the lovely stuff I am doing, as well as keeping you up to date with market days and events what will be happening too.

Stay safe, and be wary of scammers online.

Idris Elemental x

Never in a million years would I send msgs like this!

Or msg you out of the blue about anything!


The Brighter Side to Life


What happened to the dragons?