Patterns and Designs

I love designing and making my own clothes, and rarely follow patterns when making things. As I love putting my own twist into designs, and making one off piece. As well as the fact that I find it hard to be able to follow patterns, because of being dyslexic and also easily confused with numbers at times. (for me I always find it easier to read a diagram pattern over written patterns as then u just have to count the symbols and some how to translate them) sometimes I can get them right and other times I have to restart again. Though every time you have to restart something you then learn how to be able to do it better next time and it is all part of the learning curve.

Whilst I was away at Yarndale many of you fell in love with my pointy pixie hood tops and fairy rave style clothing. What has made me inspired and want to start making patterns to sell, it has always been an idea that I have wanted to play around with, but up until recently I was questioning if what I make was good enough for people to want. Though hearing so much lovely feedback about the stuff I make has given me that push forward to give it a try.

It might take awhile to create and make the patterns, as I will need to go back though the stuff I have made to figure out the pattern, before then writing them up and testing to make sure that they all work before I have them up online. I am also hoping to start creating little videos to be able to go along side the patterns to show how t do the stitches, and better demonstrate the patterns. As well as to try and make it more inclusive to everyone. So that if you are like me and struggle with reading something with loads of words and numbers all muddled up on a page, then u would be able to still access the patten. So please be paiten whilst I sort it all out.

Don’t worry when I have the patterns up online and written up I will be making sure to post about it and share on social media so that you know when they are up online.

Thanks for reading and happy knitting. x


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