Some big things have been happing

Im sorry I have not been updating the website or blogging posts recently, Over the last two months things have been a little bit hectic.

At the beginning of July I was Invited to take part in the young traders of the year competition, and was competing against 10 young traders from all over North Wales and the surrounding areas. Where we all had to set up our little stalls for the day, and then had judges come around and decide amongst them selves who was the best market stalls, within each one of the 3 categories (food and drink/general retail/arts and crafts) there was an overall winner and 2 highly commended stalls with the overall catergories. There was then the overall winner category. Who would then get the chance to go up to Stratford Upon Avon to trade again in the national finals.

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, I definitely wasn’t thinking I was going to win it. I mostly entered the competition as I thought it would be an interesting new expericnce, and if anything I was looking forward to trading at another event, and somewhere a little different then normal. As I love getting to trade in new places, and get to meet so many more wonderful people.

Well I don’t think I need to explain what quite happened next. As I think this picture gives it away a little. I am still a little amazed that I managed to get both the craft category and overall North Wales Young Market Trader of the year title. For me I just traded like normal, Set up in the morning and then sit around and spin wools, talking about the process and sharing the love of soft snuggly wools.

Since I managed to win the competition I then had to begin preparing for the national at the end of August for 2 days covering there bank holiday weekend. Having to compete against around 90 traders from all over England /Wales / Northern Ireland and as it was such a big competition and also a bigger event. I have had to put in a lot of hard work and extra hours in. to make sure that I had enough stock for you all the enjoy and to try and impress the judges.

Whilst also trying to keep up with also doing my normal market days within Oswestry as well. Along with trying to make sure I didn’t overwork myself too much .. although I can’t say that worked to well. For the last month or so I have been trying to work around the clock 24/7 starting at 9am and then finishing around 3am to start again the next day. Even when I had managed to get food poisoning and then unfortunately got a kidney infection I still hardly stopped, but it did slow me down for a good few days.

One Hundred skeins, 4 tops and 4 markets later. Young Market Traders final 2022 Stratford Upon Avon.

Its amazing to think of all the hard work and sleepless nights it takes to prepare for such a big event, and one of the busiest days trading I have done so far and then as soon as you are there its done within a flash but it was totally worth it.

It was such a lovely event and hard competition in the end. As got to meet so many wonderful traders from all over the country and see what other awesome stuff people make and create. As well as many lovely fellow wool addicts.

Unfortunately I didn’t win any more awards this time, although in a way I don’t really mind as it was still a wonderful couple of days trading talking and meeting fabulous people. So in a way we were all winners in that sense.

I would love to say that can now have a nice bit of a relax, and chill for a few days. Though now currently preparing for Yarndale in Skipton at the end of this month, as well as hoping to do a few other lovely local events that I have planned in the books. So I need to get back to dying and re stocking up all the lovely wools.

Thank you for your continuing support x


Patterns and Designs


The Brighter Side to Life